ASK THE PROFESSOR will be a series of learning outcomes, insights and "A-ha" moments from my journey as a Professor of Advanced Leadership and Organizational Behaviour.
One of the questions on the Mid-Term test was "Name the 5 types of Power. For full marks provide a brief description of each type."
Power is the ability to influence. The four types of power are Legitimate, Referent, Expert, Coercive and Reward.
Legitimate Power is the influence I allow you to have over me based on your position (manager, coach, etc)
Referent Power is the influence I allow you to have over me based on how much I like you. The more I like you, the more I allow you to influence me and visa-versa.
Expert Power is the influence I allow you to have over me based on my belief that you have a relatively high level of knowledge and or expertise in an area or subject matter.
Coercive Power is the influence I allow you to have over me based on your ability to punish, or take something of value away from me.
Reward Power is the influence I allow you to have over me based on you ability to offer something of value to me.

What I find to be the most important aspect of power is that power is given. Therefore one does not "hold" power, but rather, one is given power. You do not have influence over me, but rather, I allow you to influence me. Sort of flips the script on the idea of the Powerful and the Powerless.
Think about it. I don't have to do as my boss asks. I chose to do as he/she asks because I chose to cooperate with the hierarchy and corporate culture that exists. I can also chose not to do as my boss asks absolutely and to different degrees. There are potential consequences, outcomes and ramifications for each choice, however, it is
my choice the influence I allow my boss to have over me (Legitimate Power).

For the athletes reading this post, substitute coach for boss and the previous paragraph applies to you.
Plus, athletes usually allow influence due to the perception of their coach as an expert (Expert Power), and/or on the basis of their coaches ability to punish or take something of value away, like playing time (Coercive Power), OR to offer something of value like playing time or scholarship (Reward Power).

Think of the influence friends have over each other, the term "peer pressure" and the of influence pop
icons like Justin Bieber or Beyonce. People allow these sources to influence speech, behaviour and values. This is Referent Power, when I allow you to influence me because I like you.
This relationship between "leader" and "follower" or "influencer" and "influencee" is important for leaders to understand. The power is actually in the hands of the person allowing themselves to be influenced, they usually just don't see it that way.