Went to dinner with some good friends on the weekend. The discussion turned to their sons. At different points in the conversation the consensus was that both boys were very hard working and then the opinion switched to both boys being very lazy.
Just like a superhero I threw off my glasses and quickly changed into my Leadership Coach costume and became "Leadership Man!!" Using my Positive Psychology skills, that enable me to articulate strengths instead of merely focussing on weaknesses, I was able to protect both boys from further scrutiny.
Jason is a third year student at the University of Toronto, Majoring in Sciences and Math. He holds an above 90 percent average in this very competitive program. Aaron is a gregarious licensed mechanic, who loves working with his hands and who is now interested in pursuing a career in policing. According to the parents Jason is amazing and works very hard because he earns a 90 percent at school. However, they claim he is lazy because he does NOTHING around the house. The parents claim that Aaron is hard working because he has worked hard to become a licensed mechanic and has saved over $30,000 in his few years working since his certification. Plus Aaron always helps out around the house. However, Aaron was a LAZY academic student.
Here's the insight I shared with my friends. Using my Positive Psychology vision I was able to understand this issue through the lens of Strength Constellations. According to Biswas-Diener et al., (2011) strengths do not exist in isolation. This suggests that strengths are not absolute, they don't exist all the time in all situations. But, rather strengths are relative and work in conjunction with variables like other strengths and situational variables. Positive Psychology experts believe there is much to be gained by looking at specific pairings and groupings of strengths (Biswas-Diener et al. 2011).
As this pertains to the boys, their strengths emerge when they are paired with another strength. Jason's hard work is activated when it is coupled with his intellect regarding science and math. Outside of that constellation, the hard work strength vanishes. Aaron's hard work is activated when using his hands to create. Again, as with his brother, the perceived absolute strength of hard work hides outside of the constellation of working with his hands.
So how does this pertain to the leader?
It is important for leaders to work with their team, staff, etc to identify strengths and strength constellations so that leaders can put people in roles to support the effective and efficient achievement of department and team goals. When we perceive aloofness from staff or team members, many times the reason is because we have identified a strength, but disconnected that strength from the constellation (another strength or situation) that helps to activate said strength. It become critically important for leaders to go beyond the identification of strengths and now start to analyze the contextual factors that exist that activate a perceived strength.

Instead of focussing on the weaknesses of your staff, shift the paradigm, see the strengths and the context of those strengths. Your job as leader is to create roles that reflect strength constellations and not strengths as absolutes. Then, find others with other combinations or groupings of strengths for different roles until you have a team that can work interdependently, each using their personal, magical, strength constellation.
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