What is the best leadership approach? It depends.
What leadership style should I use to empower my staff? It depends.
How do I change the culture of my organization? It depends.
Leadership means different things to different people. In the last week I've had many conversations with clients and those I mentor about the best leadership approaches. I've found myself spreading the gospel of Blanchard's Situational Theory of Leadership to help facilitate some perspective on this issue.
As a graduate student in Leadership Studies we quickly learned that the answer to every leadership question is "It Depends". Sounds ridiculous, but not so if you consider the complexity of situations and follower needs. According to Blanchard (1985), every situation offers context and a unique set of variables. Each constituent has different values, motivation and influencers (Blanchard, 1985). Takes more work, but effective leaders consider the needs of the situation and those of the followers when making decisions.
My professional experience has facilitated a first hand understanding that one leadership approach only works when the needs of the situation are consistent with that leadership approach. Otherwise, monochromatic approaches, lead to decision errors based on leader preference instead of solutions focus.
"To a hammer, everything is a nail". This describes a leader focused approach to leadership, where no matter the challenge the leader uses the same approach because its what they prefer (or in some cases all they know). We have preferences in all aspects of our lives. These preferences are usually based on brain dominance and talent/strengths you possess. High performing leaders serve situational and constituent needs over leader preference.
Are you dealing with an urgent challenge, or one where there is time to make a more calculated decision? The context should influence how you chose to address the challenge.
Is one of your constituents deliberately ignoring your processes or are they not aware of them? Clarity on the challenge, offers perspective on the most appropriate approach to address the issue.
Its ok to act based on your preferences, and we all do. Understand that your preferences may not best address the complexity of the challenge in front of you. Remember, if there was one correct way to lead, everyone would be doing it and leadership would be easy. One of the greatest strengths leaders can have is an understand of context and the desire to serve those who follow them.
Develop your leadership tools and resources. Have them in your leadership tool belt. Assess the needs of the challenge and use the tool that best fits.