Sunday, July 5, 2015


One of the toughest questions my life and executive coaching clients find to answer is "What do you want?"  It's hard to answer according to Mel Robbins because people have convinced themselves that they are "fine".  You know that autopilot response to the question "How are you?  I'm "fine".  ARRRRGGGGHHHH.  Fine means you're not awesome. Fine means, I'm getting by. Fine means I'm ok.  Why settle for fine when you can be AWESOME!!!!!

So many people feel stuck.  Feel like they're in a rut and just can't get out.  Robbins suggests that when you feel stuck or dissatisfied it is a sign that a basic need is not being met.  So be honest with yourself and those around you.

First, answer this question "What do you want?" If you have trouble answering this question,  add context.  What do I want right now, this very moment?  What do I want that I'm not getting in my family life?  What do I want that I'm not getting in my marriage?  What do I want that I'm not getting in my career?  Adding context brings your want to a more tactile level and easier to see and feel.

According to Robbins, getting what you want is simple, but not easy.  "Do the crap you don't want to do to be everything you're supposed to be".  Robbins suggests this movement involves parenting yourself.  If you're not good at self parenting, get a coach to hold you accountable and force you out of "autopilot".

It's too easy too get caught up in the routine.  Too easy to push the snooze button and go back to all the behaviours that make you're life "fine" and don't serve you having an awesome life.  You must force yourself to be uncomfortable by getting out of your head, get past your feelings (they are screwing you) and get outside your comfort zone by acting on impulses within 5 seconds.

Ask for what you want and then go get it.  If you're not able to hold yourself accountable, find someone who can and will.  Your dreams and goals are only words without the "activation energy" and "grit" to passionately pursue them.


  1. J this is a great post! Mel speaks the truth that slapped me in the face! Great tip you included about adding context to help figure out where we sometimes get stuck!

    1. Thanks Els! What did Mel say that slapped you in the face?
