Saturday, October 6, 2012


"The Power of Vulnerability" is our featured video above is a presentation by vulnerability researcher Brene Brown.  Brown is also the author of Daring GreatlyThe Gifts of Imperfection and  I Thought It Was Just Me - but it isn't  This presentation rocked my world.  I'm still downloading, reflecting and considering the power of vulnerability, the importance of worthiness and the effects of shame in my own life.  Brown's research and insight have propelled me to a greater understanding of the dichotomy between my identity and personality.  In my opinion this is a life altering presentation that everyone should consider, especially leaders.

Don't believe the hype that leadership is about bossing people around.  Leadership is about change and true leaders use various tools and contigency based models to facilitate change through a servant transformational approach.  The first fundamental step for any leader is knowing thyself.  The value of self knowledge and an understanding of self is incredible.  Learning about yourself gives you insight into your strengths, weaknesses and ways you respond to situations and more importantly reasons your respond the way you do.  This awareness to move us closer to our identity, who we really are and away from our personality, who we've become as a result of external influences like parenting, media and ego.  This awareness also helps us to become mindful of how our behaviour influences others.  This awareness leads to empathy, a tool and skill no true leader can function without.  Brown's research should an essential chapter in every leaders journey.

I have already received incredibly insightful feedback about this presenation from friends and colleagues.  I would love to hear from other movers.



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